I devoured the word. I excelled in knowledge beyond my peers. I taught Sunday School. But after a few short years of eagerly devouring the Word, I hit a ceiling. Living the Christian life and teaching became tedious. The burden wasn’t so light anymore; the yoke not so easy. There had to be more to this Christianity than the standard fare offered to the masses.
So, to the dismay of many, I “fell away” only to be caught by God and led me to another group who at the time called themselves Union Lifers. This merry band seemed to be led by an old missionary named Norman Grubb, the author of many books on what he called “Total Truth.” There was something different about him and these people. You could see it in their eyes and demeanor, their confidence and non-judgmental attitudes. You could only call it Love. The Total Truth they had learned was that we were never intended to live the so-called Christian life. Only Christ can do that. And He did, through them, but more importantly “as them.” We are Christ in our human forms, simply containers for Christ to dwell in “as us.” That was God’s plan all along. It is just that easy.
This book is an “out of your belly will flow rivers of living water” story that had no choice but to be written. It’s a love story. It’s a coming of age story. It’s a story of forgiveness and sacrifice only possible through “knowing” our union with Christ. It unravels the truth of “the mystery, which is Christ in you” (Col 1:27) through a fictional story and characters just like you and me filled with drama and suspense. Enjoy.
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The Lost Coin by Samuel Hayes Sherwood
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