I pray that the posts and stories in this blog help lift the veil and reveal to us all the riches that are already ours in Christ. Enjoy. I look foward to you sharing your comments.
The Lost Coin by Samuel Hayes Sherwood
Now available on Amazon!
The Lost Coin is about a young man who learns “Total Truth,” that only Christ can live the Christian life in him, as him.
Read the first four chapters of The Lost Coin
The Seeing Eye by Samuel Hayes Sherwood
Now available on Amazon!
Why, O Lord, do you stand far away?
Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble? (Ps 10:1)
Where does the love of God go when evil seems to descend around us like a bell jar?
Read the first chapter of The Seeing Eye.
Yet Not I But Christ by Samuel Hayes Sherwood
Yet Not I But Christ takes us out of the weeds of appearances to open our eyes to the mystery which had been hidden for ages and generations and now made known to us which is Christ in us.
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